Cerámica de Vietnam para tu hogar holístico
Cerca del 10% de la población en Vietnam se compone de las etnias de la gente de las colinas. Al vivir en las áreas rurales montañosas, estas comunidades tienen muy poco acceso a los mercados para vender sus productos. Craft Link, una organización sin fines de lucro, trabaja para apoyar a estos productores a que encuentren oportunidades de mercado y a promover la cultura y productos de esta minoría étnica vietnamita.

Craft Link also provides marketing, design, and management advice to other disadvantaged groups, like street children and people with disabilities. Craft Link is committed to the principles of fair trade, investing in artisans' social welfare and guaranteeing fair wages, worker safety, and care of the environment. About 10% of the population of Vietnam is comprised of ethnic hill tribe peoples. Living in rural hilly and mountainous areas, the hill tribes have little access to markets. Craft Link, a non-profit organization, works to assist small Vietnamese craft producers find market opportunities and to promote awareness of ethnic minority crafts and culture.
Working closely with the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology in Hanoi, Craft Link helps preserve traditional craft skills like the weaving and embroidery of the tribal groups, puppet making, and traditional ceramics. Craft Link's ceramics, long-time best sellers with our customers, come from Bat Trang, a small village on the Red River, which has been famous for its ceramics since the 15th century.
Source: https://www.serrv.org/product/craft-link/vietnam