Dr. Bronner's Cosmic Principles define their most important relationships, and guide them in everything they do, from soapmaking to peacemaking – All-One!
Work Hard! Grow!
Number one in Dr. Bronner’s Moral ABC: Work hard! Prosper! Learn, grow, improve. Success is the engine that makes everything else possible.
1st: If not for me, who am I? Nobody! 2nd: Yet, if I’m only for me, what am I? Nothing! 3rd: If not now, when?!” So begins Emanuel Bronner’s Moral ABC. The message is clear: We are responsible for ourselves but also each other, and as we grow, we must grow responsibly.
Do Right By Customers
First ingredient: love! Lead with heart, take time, give best—serve customers as you would serve mother-daughter-son.
Only the purest organic and fair trade ingredients—most products vegan and certified to the same organic standards as food! No synthetic preservatives, no foaming agents. Body, hair, face, mouth & teeth—food, dishes, laundry, mopping, pets—Dr. Bronner’s is the very best for human, home, and Earth.
Treat Employees Like Family
Be kind, reward generously, support good and healthy living. Seek and encourage the best in one another. For whatever unites us is greater than whatever divides us!
Be Fair To Suppliers
Build relationships with organic farmers and producers to create equitable supply chains. Fair prices for farmers, living wages and excellent working conditions for workers, investment in communities, respect for land and people!
Treat The Earth Like Home
Make humble and mindful use of the earth’s gifts. Do not waste, do not harm the land or people or animals. What comes from the earth must go back!
Fund & Fight For What's Right!
Be an engine for positive change—share profits, share talent, share muscle, share voice—give & give, fund & fight!
Source: https://www.drbronner.com/about/